Category Archives: News

News March-June 2021

Opening a new space dedicated to contemporary dance in Bucharest – AREAL


The spring of 2021 starts with contemporary dance in Bucharest. Following the CORP Season and the events that followed in the fall of 2020, AREAL | space for choreographic development announces the opening of a new independent choreographic space in Bucharest, part of a collective effort to relaunch the contemporary dance scene. The new AREAL choreographic space is located in the center of Bucharest on Anastasie Simu Street no. 2, behind the Romanian Athenaeum, in an “between the wars period” building with a size of 300 sqm and  it hosts two dance studios, a multi-functional lounge for meetings and an office space. AREAL will function as a space for development for the independent choreographic sector with a monthly program of workshops and contemporary dance courses for artists and the general public, but also a series of interdisciplinary laboratories and residencies. AREAL is a collective initiative launched at the beginning of 2020 by the Gabriela Tudor Foundation, the Association for Theater and Book – PETEC, the Delazero Association, Indie Box and choreographer Andreea Belu within 4 Corpuri | Collective for Dance (2020-2021), cultural program co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration, which aims to increase the cohesion of the contemporary dance community in Romania, to develop and diversify the audience of this cultural sector, to encourage mobility and interconnection to those who work in the field of performing arts by creating a new space dedicated to artistic endeavors. Starting with 2021, the PETEC Association withdrew from 4 Bodies, the project being continued by the other founding members, and the artistic activity of the AREAL studio will be coordinated this year by a collective artistic board formed by choreographers Alexandra Bălășoiu, Cristina Lilienfeld, Valentina De Piante and Cosmin Manolescu. More details at

We invite you to Living System, a new module of contemporary dance classes


Choreographer Cristina Lilienfeld will organize in April a module of 7 sessions of contemporary dance seen from a perspective of somatics entitled: Living system. The course aims to create a format for exploring human anatomy and the countless ways in which the body can find its freedom of movement. “Starting from images of human anatomy, completed with images created by our minds we’ll work to expand our sphere of perception and be in a more real contact with the messages of our body. For me, this space where I discover the internal mechanisms that sometimes seem magical or at least surprising has always been a source of revelation and a “home”. What I want is to share with you this feeling of living in your own body, a feeling that seems to me one of the few joys we can acces in these troubled times. ” The course will take place on the weekends of April. Capacity: 10 people. Price: 320 lei Update: At this moment the group is full!

Details at: or

Participation in the Caleido performing arts festival with the show “They’re Not All Heroes” produced by the PETEC Association



Caleido Performing Arts Festival organizes in the last part of May 2021 the fourth edition of the festival. It includes 20 independent productions of theater, dance and performance, seven of which are its own productions, and four are presented for the first time. “They’re Not All Heroes” is part of this year’s selection and is a new version of the show created in 2014 with Smaranda Găbudeanu. Cristina Lilienfeld about “They’re Not All Heroes” in Caleido: “We’re very happy to have the chance to revitalize this show that at the time of its creation meant a lot to us. To finally be able to tell the story of our grandparents has been a very important step, both personally and artistically. For us it has been very important to try to physically connect to our grandparents’ experiences, to let the stories to descend into our bodies and connect with the legacy we have received from them. What we often say when we are asked about this show is that we have worked with personal integration and finding our roots. At the same time, it was a very interesting experience in terms of the artistic techniques, from contemporary dance to text, to working with puppets and objects in such a way that with each new moment of the piece an independent image is created. Seen as a whole, it creates the feeling of a kaleidoscope that takes you through a multitude of states and opens new perspectives, which for us was very satisfying from an artistic point of view. I am very eager to re experience “They’re Not All Heroes ” in Caleido Festival and very curious to see what has changed since we last played it in 2019. The show will be broadcast by livestreaming on May 25 this year.
More information about the access to the shows in Caleido Festival can be found here:ția-a-iv-a-2020/ and on Cristina’s Facebook page:

“Bodies On The Move” national tour with the shows “Moving Fields” and “Singing Bodies’ Trilogy


“Bodies on the Move” contains the presentation of the two shows in 3 locations in the country: Matei Vişniec Theater in Suceava, Toma Caragiu Theater in Ploiești, Marin Sorescu Theater in Craiova. Also, in addition to the presentation of the performances in each location, there will be workshops for the public inspired by the theme of the performances, as well as performative interventions in the street. The events in Craiova will take place between June 01-04, those in Suceava between June 21-26, and those in Ploiesti between July 12-15, 2021.

A few words about shows:

“Moving Fields” is a contemporary dance show that questions the concept of energy, putting the body in dialogue with its hidden resources. In search of the origin of the movement, 6 dancers enter into a deep communication with themselves, with the physical and sound space, with the technology, with the audience. Technology plays an important role on the stage, the body being challenged to adapt and communicate in a authentic way with the elements of the interactive installation. Moving Fields is a route of loading, unloading, conservation, giving and going deep inside that the artists undertake. Along the way, each of us outlines an answer to the question “what moves us?” Concept and choreography: Cristina Lilienfeld – Dancers: Alexandra Bălășoiu, Denis Bolborea, Răzvan Rotaru, Catrinel Catană, Filip Stoica, Cristina Lilienfeld – music Diana Rotaru and Sonomania – Lights and interaction design – Alexandros Raptis and Cristian Iordache – drama consultancy: Mihaela Dancs

“Singing Bodies’ Trilogy” is a three-part contemporary dance performance that encapsulates the kinesthetic and sensory experiences of three choreographers in relation to the city in which they live. It was born as a result of collective research and it was a creation processes carried out both in the public space and in the rehearsal room. It contains the solos: SPOOKY ACTIONS OF A SPOILED GIRL (Alexandra Bălășoiu, 60 ”), REALITY CHECK (Denis Bolborea, 35 ”) and BAD MAMMA (Valentina de Piante, 40 ”). This performance was born from our collective history. Have you ever imagined that every human being is the answer to a question someone asked? Video projections: Cozlac Andrei, Photo-video: Lavinia Pollak, Sound design: Denis Bolborea, Light design and graphics: Hermina Stănciulescu, Technical director: Alexandros Raptis

The producers of the two shows are the PETEC Association and Indie Box, the two organizations working in partnership for this project. This is a cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration. The program does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

Award offered by CNDB for remarkable contribution made to contemporary dance in Romania in 2020.

The award was offered by The National Dance Center Bucharest for the remarkable contribution made to contemporary dance in Romania.

For the seventh edition, CNDB contextualized the Awards as an approach to draw attention to the lack of a status of independent artists and their accentuated vulnerability, in the extraordinary context of this pandemic year. Thus, this year’s CNDB Awards recognized the efforts of some members of the dance community to continue their activity independently in 2020.

The 2020 CNDB Awards took place in the form of an online event, organized on December 14th, and the following seventeen independent artists were awarded for their extraordinary contribution to the construction of contemporary dance: Alexandra Bălășoiu, Catrinel Catană, Simona Dabija, Andreea David, Paul Dunca , Florin Flueraș, Mariana Gavriciuc, Adriana Gheorghe, Anamaria Guguian, Cristina Lilienfeld, András Lóránt, Ioana Marchidan, Oana Mureșan, Andreea Novac, Cristian Nanculescu, Valentina De Piante and Lavinia Urcan. Read more: