In body
In Body, signed by Diana Rotaru (composer) and Rares Zaharia (director), was presented at the National Music University of Bucharest and the Gheorghe Dima University of Music in Cluj – Napoca.
In Body on an original libretto by Ciprian Măceşaru, is a poetic-surestalistic meditation on the identity ambiguity: are we our body or what we perceive ourselves to be? How much does sexual identity matter? This thoughts are expressed through a story that has the damned Hamlet-Ofelia couple in the center, each captive in each other’s body. Hamlet’s masculinity is represented by horns of deer – aggressive regency, and the femininity of Ofelia, the flowers – also present in the famous scene of his death in Shakespeare’s play. The timeless, magical frame abounds in symbols (the deer, the forest, the light / darkness duality, the lake, etc.). The four soloists represent the voices of the characters and their shadows (false bodies). The center of the show hosts a work-in-work (another hint at Hamlet) about social labels applied to women and men in a contemporary setting. The music of Diana Rotaru (interpreted by SonoMania ensemble) translates the polysemanism of the text into a postmodern sound language that goes through the singular, ritualistic, playful, dramatic and other narrative colors.
The syncretic team makes the show combine diverse mediums, symbols and influences:
Rareş Zaharia – Director
Diana Rotaru – Composition & Conductor
Andreea Koch – Set Design
Cristina Lilienfeld – Choreography
Ciprian Măceşaru – Libretto
Rodica Vică – HAMLET (soprano)
Antonela Bârnat – OFELIA (mezzo-soprano)
Smaranda Găbudeanu – Hamlet (dancer)
Cristina Lilienfeld – Ofelia (dancer)
SonoMania Ensemble: Valentin Ghita (English Oboe / Horn), Mihai Pintenaru (clarinet),
Horia Văcărescu (violin), Marian Movileanu (viola), Eugen-Bogdan Popa (violoncello),
Adriana Maier (piano), Sorin Rotaru (percussion)
Serioja Bocsok – video artist
Cristian Iordache (ygreq) – interactive designer
Maia Manolescu – graphics